The difference between Sichuan red pepper and Green pepper
Many people like to eat a variety of snacks, and these special snacks sometimes add some red sichuan pepper or green pepper to promote the taste .But for most people, they usually mix red sichuan pepper or green peppercorns together, thought that there is not too much difference between them.As a matter of fact, there are three differences between red sichuan pepper and green pepper.
1.The appearance difference between red sichuan pepper and green pepper
Generally speaking, when the pepper is mature, its appearance color is dark green, and after air-drying, its appearance color will be red or more brownish-yellow. Red Sichuan pepper taste numbing. The numbing taste is generally much strong than Sichuan green pepper, and the numbness lasts for a very long time. As for green pepper, its appearance is lighter than sichuan red pepper, its aroma is also very strong, the taste is also numbing and long-lasting. But under normal circumstances, in fact, green prickly ash still has a slight astringent taste. Therefore, there is still some difference between sichuan red pepper and green prickly ash.
2.The difference in nutritional value of sichuan pepper and green prickly ash
In addition, compared with red sichuan pepper and green pepper, there are still some differences between them.(Red Sichuan pepper) Majiao has a certain effect of warming body and dispelling cold. In addition, it can also remove body moisture. For people who have chronic stomach cold or tooth pain, eating Majiao still has a certain relief effect. The nutritional value of green pepper is also very rich. Green pepper can help people to relieve pain from diseases.It can also one kind of food spices. In addition, eating more green pepper will benefit a lot to health.